October 26, 2022
Reporter: Paul Martin
Wednesday’s meeting:
Dominick Recckio, Communications Director
Tompkins County Administration
St. Catherine of Siena and on Zoom
Join the Zoom meeting

Rather than reciting the Four-Way Test, Mary put it to music and sang it for us!
Mary introduced our guest Greg Kops, son of Richard Kops; Greg is the owner/founder of mworks.digital and is in the process of joining our club.
Also joining us was Dewey Neild from the Ithaca Sunrise Club. Dewey is the photographer/producer of the Finger Lakes Waterfalls calendars and had the 2023 edition with him—its 20th anniversary. Calendars were available for sale after the meeting.
Steve Savage brought us his thought from Les Brown, one that he hears used often by Jennifer Turck, Assistant Vice President at Cayuga Health System, Inc.:
“In order to do something you’ve never done,
you've got to become someone you've never been.
I think that all of us have great potential within us,
but greatness is a choice; it's not our destiny.
And in the pursuit of our dreams we are introduced to trials,
failures and disappointments, which take us to the door of discovery and greatness.”

Our first Visitors Day will be November 9th. We already have 30 guests signed up! It will be catered by Adams Corners Café and should be a great event. Lunch is $11 for Rotarians, and the club will buy lunch for guests. It is requested that attending members consider participating in the catered lunch rather than bringing your own to help make good numbers for the catering.
The International Service committee is working on some great projects for Ukraine relief. More details next week.
A Board retreat is planned for December; it’s a chance to talk about how we work rather than focusing on all of the work (for a change!). Non-board members are also welcome to join.
Share the Warmth is looking for volunteers with trucks or SUVs to help with transporting boxes to their locations and setting them up (each has five 3’ x 3’ panels) on Saturday, November 5th. Get in touch with Richard Kops or Loralyn Light if you can help!
Richard Kiely introduced Samara Clare, a RYLA student who is a senior at Ithaca High School. Samara shared that she enjoyed being on a college campus and being encouraged to debate—and the dance event. There was a second student who was unable to attend today but loved the program.
Richard Kiely wrapped up by reminding us that this was the first RYLA event since 2019 and that he would like to expand RYLA to have our own local program to include more students than the 2 or 3 that we can bring each year to the regional event. He also thanked Jeff True for his help and support with the program.
RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary districts where youth can develop their skills as leaders while having fun and making connections.

Ken introduced Rev as a non-profit business accelerator that was started 9 years ago with funding from Cornell, Ithaca College, and New York State. It typically hosts around 50 companies at a time and has had over 130 companies in total. Businesses have ranged from humus to satellites and everything in between.
Ken discussed at a high level the operation, financing, and value provided to individual businesses and the community. There were lots of great questions, and Ken wrapped up by announcing that the GrowNY competition is coming up in Syracuse November 15-16. This competition offers a $1 million prize that will go to the winning agricultural startup in the region.
Mary reminded us that, with a match from a generous and anonymous Rotarian, we were able to raise and give away $15,000 to 15 organizations through our Community Grants program.
Frank Towner: Brian Wilbur is out of the hospital, and Heidi Goldstein is healing well.
- Richard Kops: World Polio Day was October 24th, plus November is Foundation month.
- Nancy Potter: honoring previous pledge for $5, plus more all given on line to our Donor Advised Fund at the Community Foundation— for Gene Ericson’s 92nd birthday and a great fall weekend in the White Mountains.
- Jessica Verfuss: sad and happy! Her 15-year daughter has been walking a dog for their neighbor who raises puppies for guiding eyes for the blind, but the dog is moving on for further training for eventual service.
- Jean McPheeters: happy to say that zoning work for Caroline is wrapping up, after 19 months (as chair)—and her new nickname is “Dream Slayer.”
Kati Torello: wonderful vacation in England, Ireland, and Paris, and her mother fared well in Ft. Myers during Hurricane Ian.
- Dewey Neild: still works for American Airlines, but in Syracuse. Thank you for contributions to the Sunrise Club. He has calendars for sale on your way out!
- Mary Kane: she owes $17 and will add another $25 for a wonderful weekend with her daughter, husband, and grandchildren.
President Mary adjourned the meeting a few minutes early to allow for fellowship and conversation.
Newsletter Reporter: Paul Martin
Photographer: Mike Brown
Greeter: Geoff Dunn
Newsletter Editor: Loralyn Light
Set-up/Tear-down: Harlin McEwen, Ron Provus, Gary Reinbolt, Dave Martin, Brad Carruth
Set-up Zoom: Bez Thomas
Recording Archive: Paul Martin; click here
Club Service Facilitator: June Losurdo