Rotary Youth Exchange

The most powerful force in the promotion of international understanding and peace is exposure to different cultures. This program is designed to provide housing and education for students of high school age.
The exchange provides a year of experience for the students and promotes Rotary's objective of world understanding and peace. For additional information about our club and district's Youth Exchange Options and application forms visit the CNY District Youth Exchange web site.
The program is entirely volunteer run, including local and district Rotary support, host families, and other volunteers, making it an affordable, year-long cultural exchange. The Ithaca club provides two experiences - one for students and another for host families at Ithaca High School, Leman Alternative Community School, and Lansing High School, with a focus on building and connecting people in our community and around the world.
For additional information about this program visit the Rotary International web site.
For additional information about this program visit the Rotary International web site.