Rotarians Pack Books for The World
Rotarians Pack Books for the World
A big thank you to club members Joe Giordano, Kellyann O'Mara, EmilyParker, Dave Flaccus and Betty Falcão for packing 38 cartons of books at the Books for the World Project on April 30. Joining us were Rotarians from the Dryden Rotary Club (who also contributed six boxes of books), and Mike Levy from the Cornell Fraternity Alpha Sigma Phi. Efficient and — fungreat job!
Our next Books for the World event will be at the Friends of the Library Booksale on Wednesday, May 20 from 9:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m., where we will be packing 34 cartons of books. These two events will result in three more pallets of books (24 cartons per pallet), which will be on their way to developing countries.
If you are available to help on May 20, please let us know. Another e-mail reminder will be sent closer to the date, and sign up sheets will be available at the lunch meetings.
Again, thanks to everybody who has helped with the Books for the World project. By the end of May, our club will have shipped an estimated 64,000 books!
Janet and Edward