Ithaca Rotary Club elects officers for 2010-2011
Posted by Janet E. Steiner
on Dec 1, 2010
At the December 1, 2010 meeting of the Ithaca Rotary Club,
the following officers for 2010-2011 were formally elected by the membership.
Secretary: Bettsie Park
Treasurer: Bill Hawley
Past President: Joanne Lamoureux
President: Nancy Potter
President-Elect: James Brown
and incoming President for the year 2013-2014: Larry Robinson
Secretary: Bettsie Park
Treasurer: Bill Hawley
Past President: Joanne Lamoureux
President: Nancy Potter
President-Elect: James Brown
and incoming President for the year 2013-2014: Larry Robinson
The slate of officers was presented by the Club’s 2010
Nominating Committee which was chaired by Past President Janet Steiner, along
with past presidents Dale Flinn, Jeff
True, Jean McPheeters; and members-at-large Mary Berens and Roger Sibley.