International Service Grants Call for Projects

Due date: Monday, September 30
The Rotary Club of Ithaca invites applications from Tompkins County area organizations and Rotary Clubs in CNY District 7180 for Peacebuilding projects outside the United States that make a small but amazing difference to create and sustain peaceful societies.
Peacebuilding projects may be focused on any of Rotary International's seven areas of service: fighting disease, providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies, protecting the environment, and promoting peace.
Selected projects receive $2,000 - $5,000 in grants from the club. The deadline to submit an application is September 30th. Please open the 2024-25 International Service Project Application here or call 607-288-2808 (a google voice #) for more information.

Rotary Clubs and other organizations in their countries partner to address a locally identfied need for the international service project grants. Rotary Club of Ithaca’s international service projects are made possible by local fundraising efforts that receive generous support from our community.

Together we have created senior housing in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria (2017), expanded capacity in India for building locally-sourced water filtration systems (2018), restored a fishing business destroyed in Hurricane Mitch in the Grand Bahamas (2019), helped build a remote Costa Rican community’s water system (2019), supported Ithaca micro-businesses and human services during COVID19 (2020), installed solar power for a Ugandan school’s digital learning center (2020), initiated entrepreneurships of feminine hygiene products in Guatemala and Uganda(2021), renovated bomb shelters in Ukraine (2022), and developed climate change efforts in Kenya and Costa Rica (2023).


Discover more about the Ithaca Rotary Club at and Rotary International at Rotary promotes peace