Community Grants 2016 - Awards
Rotary Club of Ithaca Announces 2016 Grant Awardees
Community grants program funds seven worthy local causes
The Ithaca Rotary Club is pleased to announce the awardees for its 2016 round of community grants. Seven grant requests were funded at a total of $5,900. Funds for these grants are raised through Rotary’s annual Little Apple Fall Follies (LAFF) event held this past Saturday during Ithaca Apple Festival Week.
The 2016 grant recipients are:
- Center for Transformative Action - $1,000
~ construction of a compost toilet for the Youth Farm Project - Community Arts Partnership - $550
~ sound system for the annual Spring Writes Festival and a new open mic initiative - Ellis Hollow Community Center - $1,000
~ materials and labor to repair a garage on the property for adequate storage space - Finger Lakes ReUse - $1,000
~ signage for delivery trucks - First Unitarian Society of Ithaca - $850
~ purchase seventeen infant car seats for the Babies First program - Newfield Central School District - $500
~ materials for Sources of Strength, a national suicide prevention program - Newfield Community Park - $1,000
~ surveying costs for the initial phase of a new community park
Ithaca Rotary’s community grants are intended to promote the quality of life in Tompkins County and the greater Ithaca area. These grants support organizations in the community that have special projects or needs which are not funded by general funding sources. Grants are usually awarded within the range of $200 to $1,000. The annual grants process is led by Club Service Chair Angela Sullivan.
Contributions to Rotary’s Community Grants program are gratefully accepted at any time. Donation checks may be made payable to Ithaca Rotary Club and mailed to P.O. Box 306, Ithaca, NY 14851. Please note “Community grants” on the memo line.