Books for the World Builds on Success
The Ithaca Rotary Club continues to collect used books for shipment to countries where they are in high demand. The Books for the World project is a hands-on international project, where Rotarians and community partners select, pack and arrange for shipment of K-12 surplus textbooks and used books suitable for public libraries.
Since the fall of 2010, our club has collected over 26,000 books, which, when packed, taped, labeled and stacked, is the equivalent of one shipping container of books. With the help of other community organizations for funding, physical labor and loading dock facilities, our club has taken the lead in District 7170, with the most books collected of any Rotary Club in the upstate New York region.
The first event is scheduled for Saturday, May 18 at 6 pm at the Friends of the Library booksale site, 509 Esty Street. We will work in teams of two, selecting children’s books and adult reference books, packing and taping 24 cartons. We will need eight – ten volunteers for this date.
The second event is scheduled for Wednesday morning, May 22 from 9 – 11 am at the booksale site. We will select enough books to fill 48 cartons. Eight to ten volunteers would be optimum for this event.
We look forward to the fun and fellowship that this hands-on project brings to all of us. Sign up by contacting Co-coordinators Janet Steiner or Edward Kokkelenberg,