
President: "Les Six"
Mary Berens, Geoff Dunn, Dale Flinn, Heidi Goldstein, George Gull, Dale Johnson
President-Elect: Angela Sullivan
Vice President: Mike Katz
Treasurer: Kati Flynn
Secretary: Juliet Gibbs

News 2024-01-10
January 10, 2024
Reporter:  Tiffany Bloss

Wednesday’s meeting:
Gladys Brangman, Business Leaders of Colors (BLOC)
“Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”
COLTIVARE and on Zoom
Join the Zoom meeting


Heidi Goldstein; photo Mike BrownNOTE: you can watch previous meetings by going to our YouTube channel!
President Heidi Goldstein called the meeting to order at 12:18 PM and led those in attendance in the Four-Way Test.
We had two guests, both invited by President Heidi:
  • Laura Peters (who presented on Jan. 3rd)
  • Al Vazquez


Richard Kiely; photo Mike Brown
Richard Kiely lived in Madrid from 1987 through 1991.  He and his friends frequented Las Cuevas de Sésamo, a piano bar that celebrated poets and authors; there were quotes all over the walls of the cave-like lounge and one stuck with him.  “Tristes tiempos estos en los que hay luchar por lo que es evidente” (Friedrich Dürrenmatt, 1921–1990, Swiss author and playwright), which translates to:  “Sad times these are in which you have to fight for that which is obvious.”  There were a lot of problems in Madrid at the time, but most seemed to be ignored.  Richard chose the quotation to highlight how Rotary takes a pro-active and collaborative approach to raising awareness and addressing global problems that are obvious and need resources, and sustained collective efforts.


President Heidi Goldstein announced that the club made $39 on the festive hats worn at the previous meeting.  Those that didn’t bring their own hats borrowed one of Heidi’s and gave a donation for the privilege!
Gertrude Noden; photo Mike BrownGertrude Noden invited members to help plan the upcoming Global Grant application with a focus on supporting gender equity and WASH for youth in Uganda.  The Rotary Executive Committee has allowed Rotarians who want to join the discussions to do so.  We need to establish a focused team, understand the guidelines of the grant, discover the needs, and do the assessment.  The program began 18 months ago and has handed out 625 feminine hygiene kits in Gula City.  The goals include increasing the number of girls certified, and the production, inventory, distribution, and marketing.  Thirty girls have been trained in the last six months, and ten new enrollees will finish in June.  We want to use the next 18 months to conduct the needs assessment and review the global data.  Gertrude would like to have three individuals join the conversation.
Todd Nau; photo Mike BrownTodd Nau is looking for members to volunteer at Finger Lakes ReUse.  Sorting and tagging will take place on Tuesdays through February (10 AM–1 PM). Only Todd and Paul Martin volunteered on January 9th and ticketed about $900 in merchandise.  We need more help!  Please sign up on ClubRunner.


District 7170 Foundation Chair, Zoë van der Meulen delivered a Rotary Foundation update and trivia game!  Zoë was District Governor in 2017–18 and has been Chair of the Foundation since 2021.
Zoë van der Muelen; photo Mike BrownThe Rotary Foundation began in 1917 by outgoing Rotary President Arch Klumph, who wanted to set up an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world.”  The very first donation was $26.50.  To date, the Foundation has received 6.1 billion dollars in donations.
The first grant ($500) was awarded in 1930 to an organization supporting children with special needs.  It is believed that this organization later became the Easterseals.
The signature program of the Rotary Foundation is End Polio Now.  Other programs of the Foundation include District Grants, Global Grants, Projects of Scale Grants, Disaster Response Grants, and Rotary Peace Centers.
Grants must fit into one of the seven Areas of Focus:  Saving Mothers & Children; Environmental Sustainability; Clean Water, Sanitation & Hygiene; Education & Literacy; Growing Local Economy; and Promoting Peace.
There is a recurring gift program called Rotary Direct: Every Rotarian, Every Year.
Individuals who give to the Rotary Foundation can receive the Paul Harris Fellow after giving $1,000 and at each $1,000 increment.  Rotarians can also become Major Donors by giving $10,000.  The Bequest Society is for those who name the Rotary Foundation in their will.


  • Larry Robinson: happy for the Salvation Army bell ringers; thank you (see pics at end)!
  • Richard Kops; photo Mike BrownFrank Towner: for Rotarians giving and giving their time
  • Dale Johnson: for spring happiness
  • Richard Kops: happy for a great Christmas week with family in Texas
  • Bez Thomas:  flew to Australia for a month
  • Nathan Lyman; photo Mike BrownNathan Lyman: nice towel for his golf bag from the Rotary Foundation
  • Todd Nau:  thankful for support of ReUse sorting; will donate $1 for every volunteer that participates!
  • Mary Berens: Cornell Women’s Hockey is doing great
  • Loretta Goss; photo Mike BrownLoretta Goss: sang at a funeral last week and saw Tony Pesco who is doing well and hopes to return soon
  • Diane Cohen: thanks to Dale and partners; the correct name is Finger Lakes ReUse!


Name:  Stephanie Andres (formerly Meyer)
Business:  Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA)
Position:  Interim Executive Director
Sponsor:  Jean McPheeters


01/17    Gladys Brangman, Business Leaders of Colors, “Honoring Dr. Martin Luther
             King, Jr.”
01/24    Brigid Hubberman, “40 Quilts for 40 Beds”
01/31    Lizzy Martin, CNY Rotary President 2024–25, “Implementing Diversity, Equity,
             and Inclusion in the Ithaca Rotary Club”
02/07    Martha E. Pollack, Cornell University President, “Update from the Hill”
02/14    Celebrating:  Presidents’ Day (nationally & locally), Heart Month, and
             Valentine’s Day
02/21    Amy Kremenek, TC3 President, “Update on Our Community College”
02/28    LaJerne Terry Cornish, Ithaca College President, “Leading Through a Time
             of Change”


Newsletter Reporter:  Tiffany Bloss
Photographer:  Mike Brown
Greeter:  Chuck Bartosch
Newsletter Editor:  Loralyn Light
Setup/Teardown:  Steve Johnson, John Vineyard
Cashier/Kettle Watcher:  Richard Kops
Audio/Visual Setup:  Bez Thomas, Mike Brown
Recording Archive:  Paul Martin; click here
Club Service Facilitator:  June Losurdo

Salvation Army Bell Ringers
Harlin McEwen & Geoff DunnJo-Ellen Hedlund & Jim Johnston
         Harlin McEwen & Geoff Dunn             Jo-Ellen Hedlund & Jim Johnston